Plan for the Elimination of Architectural Barriers of the State Archives of Bologna
Il Piano per l’Eliminazione delle Barriere Architettoniche (PEBA) dell’Archivio di Stato di Bologna (ASBO) è un programma triennale di interventi volto a migliorare l’accessibilità e l’usabilità degli spazi interni ed esterni, garantendo la piena fruibilità per tutti gli utenti.
596 / 5.000 Structured in 6 sections divided into 24 chapters, the plan includes 118 actions/projects, in accordance with the requirements of Annex 1 to the “Guidelines for overcoming architectural barriers in cultural sites” of the Ministry of Culture (D.D. Rep. N. 582 of 27/6/2017). Each chapter was developed according to the principles of Universal Design, which promote design that is accessible to all, including buildings, products, environments and services. These principles aim to eliminate all barriers, architectural and otherwise, acting as a guide for inclusiveness.
The plan is divided into four main phases:
Ricognizione dello stato di fatto e analisi delle criticità.
Interventi per l’eliminazione delle barriere architettoniche e cognitive.
Quantificazione degli interventi.
Programmazione triennale degli interventi.
PEBA assessments and interventions covered various aspects of cognitive, sensorial and motor accessibility, starting with the first “virtual” access via the ASBO website. Simple languages, clear symbols and subtitled videos were adopted, in addition to ensuring a remotely accessible information point. Detailed information was provided to physically reach the archive with one’s own and public transport, ensuring continuous accessible routes, adequate urban signage, taxi parking areas and dedicated parking.
Inside the building, PEBA analyzed and proposed solutions for the routes intended for different types of users, signage, training and awareness of reception staff, creation of rest areas and inclusive services. Collaboration with local trade organizations and periodic verification of the effectiveness of the measures adopted were also planned.