Exhibition on 'Guido Reni and the Carracci. An eagerly awaited return. Bolognese masterpieces from the Capitoline Museums'

It is rare to visit an art exhibition set up in the rooms of a historical palace, decorated by the same authors as the works temporarily displayed on the walls. This was the case with the exhibition set up here, which brought together in the rooms of Palazzo Fava, frescoed by the Carracci and other protagonists of the Bolognese school of the late 16th century, the Capitoline collection of their works and those of their followers who were trained in these rooms, such as Guido Reni, the author most represented in the exhibition.
The uniqueness of the exhibition consisted precisely in the unique opportunity to have 'content' and 'container' sharing the same historical-artistic culture. The layout was set up with the aim of emphasising, by means of balanced lighting, this double reading level: above, the permanent display of the historiated friezes; on the wall, the temporary display of the Capitoline paintings. The tour was arranged on the main floor of the palazzo, without following a chronological order, but grouping the works by author and within these by thematic affinity.

  • Location

    Bologna, Palazzo Fava - Palazzo delle Esposizioni, via Manzoni 2

  • Durata

    4 December 2015 - 13 March 2016

  • Client

    Genus Bononiae. Museums in the city

  • Architectural project and Construction management

    Sergio Bettini, Elena Marchi

  • Corporate image and graphic design

    Break Point

  • Exhibition Panels

    Neon style