A ramp for the Bonaccorsi Arch

During 2012, at the request of the Urban Requalification Department of the Municipality of Bologna, Studio Bettini, in collaboration with the association Architetti di strada, has developed a project to solve the accessibility of the Arco Bonaccorsi, placed at the top of the Portico di San Luca, designed by Gian Giacomo Monti (1620-1692).

Thus, on the right side of the arch, a double ramp with a very low slope has been realized, connected to the historical steps of the arch, through a mixed system of ascent and descent that integrates the ramps to the steps of a staircase, also known with the English term "stripes" (steps + ramps). The terraced podium of the Bonaccorsi Arch has been transformed into a pedestrian junction "for everyone", without altering its integrity and historical legibility with a design solution updated to the times. The difficult application of the rules for the elimination of architectural barriers to "bound" buildings has often been used as an excuse to avoid the adjustments, to reduce them to a minimum or to make them with aesthetically incompatible solutions. This project has instead conceived the theme of accessibility as a new design space for architects working in the monumental sector, in accordance with the "Guidelines for overcoming architectural barriers in places of cultural interest" issued in 2008 by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities.

  • Location


  • Year


  • Client

    Soprintendenza Archeologica, belle arti e paesaggio per la città metropolitana di Bologna, Comune di Bologna

  • Architectural project

    Sergio Bettini, Elena Marchi with Architetti di Strada

(Foto M. Pintacorona-Urban Center Bologna)