S. Francesco in Mirandola Design competition for conservation, restoration and enhancement

The church of San Francesco was badly damaged by the 2012 earthquake. Its original layout, begun by Costanza di Tomasino Pico in the last decade of the 14th century and completed at the beginning of the 15th, in a rational reinterpretation of the vast Italian mendicant spaces, although it had been affected by numerous alterations and attempts at restoration, 17th-17th century additions, 19th and 20th century restorations, had not been altered in its architectural structure. The design proposal was therefore aimed at reactivating an accomplished architectural organism, whose image is still too strong in the memory of the Mirandolesi to be considered a 'ruin'. The intervention was conceived as an organic work of reintegration intended not as cancellation of the past, but as suturing and overcoming lacerations: the aim is to regain the lost unity of the architectural space, both internally and in relation to the context. Reconstruction was intended as a primarily ethical action, aimed at recovering the material disrupted by the earthquake and reusing it to return a building capable of "narrating" the seismic event and the effort to reconstruct the entire community.

  • Location

    Mirandola (MO)

  • Year


  • Client


  • Architectural project

    Raggruppamento Temporaneo di Professionisti: Studio Tecnico Associato Marchingegno, Studio Bettini architetti, Sos. Art di Carlotta Scardovi, Riccardo Altobello, Federico Zoni, Claudio Varagnoli (consulente esterno)