Music and Architecture in San Colombano

Tra clavicordi, arpicordi, organi, clavicembali, spinette, pianoforti, tutti perfettamente funzionanti, molti dei quali decorati e che compongono la meravigliosa Collezione Tagliavini, dislocata nell’ex…

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Ducal Palace of Guastalla

Proseguono i lavori di restauro degli ambienti collegati al nuovo ascensore, che completeranno gli spazi del Museo di Palazzo Ducale.  Ecco alcuni scatti del…

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At auction is the Santini codex derived from Francesco di Giorgio, about which we wrote…

Simone Facchinetti's article in Il Giornale dell'arte 22 February 2024 Sergio Bettini's article on the Santini Code [«Some degree of happiness. Education…

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Accessibility as a new design space, 24 may 2023

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Bologna: the Renaissance rooms at the Pinacoteca Nazionale have been completely rearranged

New look for Raffaello, Parmigianino and the greats of the Bolognese Renaissance: the National Art Gallery of Bologna has in fact reopened the fifteenth and sixteenth century rooms, with a new itinerary and a new layout.

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The new settings of the Renaissance rooms at the Pinacoteca Nazionale

From March 30th the section dedicated to the Renaissance will reopen with a new exhibition itinerary, a new layout and two precious paintings by Perugino...

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A new light for the Baptistery of Riva San Vitale

USI and SUPSI have carried out important restoration work on the wall paintings of the building. The University of Italian Switzerland (USI), with its Academy…

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Podcast-Restoration: the baptistery of Riva San Vitale. Buildings from buildings: the role of creativity in conservation

The baptistery of Riva San Vitale is the oldest Christian monument still existing in Switzerland and houses precious pictorial cycles. Built with…

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Making up for the gap to preserve the memory – The failure to restore the Morandi Bridge

On 14 August 2018, a section of the viaduct over the Polcevera in Genoa collapsed causing the death of 43 people. Despite the historical importance of…

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The record for diamond ashlar is in Bologna

The restoration of the façade of Palazzo Sanuti has been completed, better known by its current name of Palazzo Bevilacqua from the name of the Bevilacqua-Ariosti family...

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