Bologna: the Renaissance rooms at the Pinacoteca Nazionale have been completely rearranged

With the closing of the exhibition Giulio II e Raffaello: una nuova stagione del Rinascimento a Bologna, the Pinacoteca Nazionale has entrusted our studio with the task of rethinking the layout of the 'Renaissance' rooms. The frequent movement of works of art, with temporary loans and with normal conservation and restoration activities, now requires the conception of exhibition systems that are versatile and easy to accommodate replacements and new insertions in the exhibition itineraries. These new exhibition requirements have been harmonised with the "historical" layout desired by Cesare Gnudi and realised in the mid-1960s by Leone Pancaldi, which started from this very section of the museum. Without altering the original spatial configuration of the long sleeve, divided in the centre by raised masonry partitions supported by IPE-section brass profiles, the exhibition itinerary has been organised perimeter by perimeter according to an ideal "time line", while the central rooms contain in-depth thematic sections, cadenced chronologically. At the top of the central partitions are iron rails, from which iron rods are hung to support the works, which can be moved horizontally and adjusted in height. Also made of iron are the new hall banner panels, the display cases and the captioning apparatus of the works, updated to museum accessibility standards, aimed at improving the readability and comprehension of the texts in Italian and English, increasing the body of the fonts and marking the contrast between the text (light) and the background (dark). Works, supports and apparatus, produced by the company Mimec, were placed at accessible heights for all visitors, from children to adults, including those in wheelchairs. At the bottom of the texts, the inventory number of the works refers to the PN audio guide, to which will be added, at a later date, a QRcode displaying the contents in sign language for the deaf, making the museum experience more engaging and accessible to all. The graphic design of the exhibition is part of the more general revision of the PN's corporate image by The Harvest studio.

  • Location


  • Year


  • Client

    National Art Gallery Bologna

  • Architectural project and Construction management

    Sergio Bettini, Elena Marchi

  • Iron museum supports


  • Graphic

    The Harvest